5.06.050 Permits
(a) After issuance of the official wetlands map, any person desiring to conduct on wetlands designated on the map any of the regulated activities set forth in subdivision (b) of this section must obtain a permit as required by this title.
(b) Activities subject to regulation shall include any form of draining, dredging, excavation, removal of soil, mud, sand, shells, gravel or other aggregate from any wetland, either directly or indirectly; erecting any structures, roads, the driving of pilings, or placing of any other obstructions whether or not changing the ebb and flow of the water; any form of pollution, including but not limited to, installing a septic tank, running a stormwater or sanitary sewer outfall, discharging sewage treatment effluent or other liquid wastes into or so as to drain into a wetland; and any other activity which substantially impairs any of the several functions served by wetlands or the benefits derived from wetlands which are set forth in Section 5.06.020(e) of this chapter. These activities are subject to regulation whether or not they occur upon the wetland itself, if, in the discretion of the Environment Division, they inhibit or otherwise substantially affect the function of the wetlands and/or are located within 100 feet from the boundary of such wetland as indicated on the wetlands map.