5.04.190 Training Requirements for Gup Permits
Applicators who apply GUPS only must have successfully completed a basic pesticide core training program that includes the following material:
- Pests
- Pesticides
- Formulations
- Pesticide Exposure and Risks
- The Toxicity of Pesticides
- Protecting Yourself
- Responding to a Pesticide Exposure
- Ecology and Environmental Considerations
- Proper Pesticide Disposal
- Pesticide Storage
- Safety Precautions with Pesticides
- Personal Protection for the Applicator and Worker
- Protecting Water from Pesticide Pollution
Applicators must maintain their competencies by completing a minimum of three (3) Continuing Education Units (CEU's) a year in a pesticide related training course. Certificates of completion must be submitted with permit applications/renewals to verify course work.
Applicators who apply RUPs must meet the training requirements of their respective state certification program. A current applicator's state certification upon application or renewal must be present with a permit application/renewal.