Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe Law Library
Saint Regis Mohawk Tribal Code of Law.

Article 4.06.030 Definitions

"St. Regis Mohawk Tribe of Indians" means a federally recognized tribe of Indians located in the State of New York.

"Gasoline and other Petroleum Products" mean leaded gasoline fuel, unleaded gasoline fuel and diesel fuel.

"Tribal Fuel Permit" means an exclusive gasoline fuel permit to possess, transport, store, and sell (wholesale and/or retail) to the general public approved by the Tribal Council of Chiefs.

"Subject Permises" means any trust or restricted lands held in trust by the United States Government, owned by the St. Regis Mohawk Tribe of Indians or its members, designated for such Permit.

"Permit Fee" means any consideration paid in advance to the Tribe for the maintenance of a legal Tribal Fuel Permit.