1.01.070 Monthly Tribal Meetings
(a) General Provisions
(1) The Council shall schedule regular meetings on the first Saturday of each month to conduct business and meet with Members. In rare instances, the Council shall have the ability to change the meeting date, but only upon adequate public notice.
(A) The May Tribal meeting will be held on the second Saturday.
(B) The June Tribal meeting will be held on the second Saturday.
(2) The meetings shall be held at the Tribal Community Building or such place as shall be established by the Council upon giving advanced notice to the community.
(3) The meetings shall be chaired by one of the Chiefs.
(4) The meetings shall be open to all Members.
(5) If a Member wants to have an item on the Agenda s/he must call the Council's office no later than close of business on the Monday before the scheduled meeting.
(6) The Chief who is chairing the meeting shall decide upon the final agenda for the meeting.
(b) Rules of Procedure for Meetings
The Chair shall preside over the Meeting and shall use the rules contained in the current edition of Robert's Rules of Order Newly Revised to govern the assembly in all cases to which they are applicable and in which they are not inconsistent with this Tribal Procedures Act and any special rules of order, practice and/or custom of the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe, existing or that may be adopted.
(1) Meetings will begin promptly at 10:00 a.m. and will adjourn no later than 1:00 p.m.
(2) The Tribal Clerk shall take a count to determine if a quorum (twenty-five (25) enrolled members and 2 of 3 Chiefs) is present, the chair shall then call the meeting to order. The count shall include elected officials.
(3) If there is no quorum by 10:15 a.m., there is no meeting.
(4) If a quorum is present, the Chair shall call the meeting to order.
(c) Rules of Personal Conduct for Meetings
(1) Conduct should be respectful in the Meetings.
(2) Members should not interrupt while another is speaking.
(3) Comments should be constructive and directed to the topic that is being discussed.
(4) There shall be a time limit of five (5) minutes for any one member to discuss an issue.
(5) There will be no discussions of a personal nature.
(6) There will be no discussions related to personnel issues.
(7) Photographs and videos of the meetings are not permitted unless prior approval from the assembly is obtained.
(8) Violation of any of the above rules may result in a tribal member being removed from the meeting; or any other action being taken by the Chair of the meeting, including suspension of the meeting.
(d) Motions from the Floor
(1) With the exception of personal and/or personnel matters, Members may make motions at a Monthly meeting to request the Council to take any action that is within the Council's authority provided that there is a quorum present and the motion is seconded by a Member.
(2) The motion must be presented in a form that clearly states the action being motion must be pre requested of Council.
(3) The motion will pass upon a majority vote of Members, at the meeting.
(4) If the motion passes, the Council will place that issue on its Agenda for the next scheduled Work Session and report back to the Community at the next Monthly Meeting on what, if any action was taken.
(5) In response to such motions, it is the responsibility of Council to consider each motion and make an independent decision whether acting upon the motion is in the best interests of the Saint Regis Mohawk Tribe, as a whole, and, if so, to take official action upon the motion.
(6) In the event that the Council determines not to take action upon a motion from the floor, the Member has the option of utilizing the Petition/Initiative process to require a referendum on the matter.
(e) Meeting Minutes
The purpose is to have an accurate record of what is discussed.
(1) The Tribal Monthly Meeting shall be electronically recorded by the Office of the Tribal Clerk.
(2) Should a Member wish to listen to the recording, the Tribal Clerk shall set forth a time and location for the recording to be available for review.
(3) The minutes of the Tribal Monthly Meeting shall consist of a summary of the actions taken, or requested to be taken, as well as a summary of Tribal Council Resolutions passed by Tribal Council for the month immediately prior.